Lastpass security
Lastpass security

lastpass security

Again, this is good practice given that developers are, as the job name suggests, generally working on software that has yet to go through a full-on security review and quality assurance process. LastPass doesn’t keep any customer data in its development environment.

lastpass security

This is a good cybersecurity practice because it prevents an attack on the development network (where things are inevitably in an ongoing state of change and experimentation) from turning into an immediate compromise of the official sofware that’s directly available to customers and the rest of the business. LastPass keeps its development and production networks physically separate.How to deal with dates and times without any timezone tantrums…

lastpass security

  • The attacker “utilised their persistent access to impersonate the developer once the developer had successfully authenticated using multi-factor authentication.” We assume this means that the hacker never needed to acquire the victim’s password or 2FA code, but simply used a cookie-stealing attack, or extracted the developer’s authentication token from genuine network traffic (or from the RAM of the victim’s computer) in order to piggy-back on the programmer’s usual access:.
  • Hats off to LastPass for admitting to what amounts to a “known unknown”. Many potential attack vectors spring to mind, including: unpatched local software, “shadow IT” leading to an insecure local configuration, a phishing click-through blunder, unsafe downloading habits, treachery in the source code supply chain relied on by the coder concerned, or a booby-trapped email attachment opened in error. That’s disappointing, because knowing how your last attack was actually carried out makes it easier to reassure customers that your revised prevention, detection and response procedures are likely to block it next time.
  • The trick used to implant the malware couldn’t be determined.
  • The attacker “gained access to the evelopment environment using a developer’s compromised endpoint.” We’re assuming this was down to the attacker implanting system-snooping malware on a programmer’s computer.
  • The boldface sentences below provide an outline of what LastPass is saying:

    Lastpass security